Monday, March 05, 2012

Up a Pound

I gained a pound last week.

I spent two days stuck in a hotel in Sacramento and my eating was regulated to conference food buffet options. Sure, there were salads (with full fat salad dressing), grilled veggies (dressed in olive oil) along with an open bar and incredible desserts. The food was rich and laden with extra salt, guaranteed hidden fat and calories I don't need. 

I tracked everything I ate and attributed points values to the best of my ability. I owned up and enjoyed the three Blue Moons I tossed back during our cocktail hour. I patted myself on the back when I ate a third of the bag of chips and when I ate a couple bites of brownie and quickly destroyed the rest so I wouldn't over do it. I was proud when I chose two boiled eggs for breakfast over a platter of breakfast muffins, croissants and danishes. Instead of giving up and writing off those two days, I decided to face each meal as an opportunity. I wasn't going to be perfect, but I was determined to face the challenge head on.

My first two weigh ins were stellar. I know that most people drop larger amounts in the early weeks of their journey. I'm fully prepared to lose a pound a week. I know healthy weight loss isn't found in dramatic numbers. With all that said, last week's increase of a pound has me motivated. My head is totally in the game this week...and its a new feeling for me, but I gotta say, it feels good. I'm an admitted control freak, and the control I've discovered regarding my diet is empowering in a way I hadn't anticipated. I'm hungry for success.


Unknown said...

I fully commend you for owning up to everything you ate and drank while out of town. I don't always have that kind of control. I would have probably just written it off and started the week over once I got back. So proud of you!!!

Cat said...

Go you, I confess to throwing caution to the wind at the last conference I went to. Good work!

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Mother to the cutest daughters in the world. Wife to an incredibly loving husband. Friend to some of the best people on the planet. Sister to humanity. This is me, no apologies or regrets.


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