Tuesday, September 13, 2005

A spoonful of sugar

Tarnished clouds with concealed silver linings
Air turning crisp and brittle
the winds are a changin’
I’m waiting for Mary Poppins to make her arrival
swoop in and fix everything
Rides of wild fantasy and grand adventure
And when it’s all done everything will be settled and right

Monday, September 12, 2005

A Whisper

I haven’t posted anything here for awhile. There’s been no one reason why I’ve been quiet; I guess its just one of those places I visit every now and again.

Life is good, just hectic and busy. At least I can say there’s never a dull moment. I feel as though I’m pulled in multiple directions at the same time, and I’ve realized that to some extent I do have Gumby tendencies. Eventually I’m scared I’ll snap…I’m scared that I’ll be stretched too thin, but for now, for today…I’m feeling alright.

Change is a novelty and a fickle beast. A clandestine lover, an affair you fantasize about, but not necessarily one you spread your arms open wide to receive.

I had a terrific weekend. Friday night Scott and I went to a wonderful birthday party for a friend. Saturday morning I came into work for a few hours and then spent the afternoon shopping and napping with my hubby. Saturday night we went out, and I had a great time. Letting go, and releasing steam is just what I needed. Sunday Scott and I went to Disneyland and DCA and even thought we didn’t stay a long time, I still had a fantastic day. The weather was perfect, the crowd was light and the company was hilarious!

About Me

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Mother to the cutest daughters in the world. Wife to an incredibly loving husband. Friend to some of the best people on the planet. Sister to humanity. This is me, no apologies or regrets.


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