Sunday, January 02, 2011

Just one of those days....

Looks like I may be coming home with a new car tomorrow. Scott and I went over to the Honda dealership earlier to look around and have them run our credit. I don't need a new car, but for a bunch of reasons (that I won't bore you with) getting out from under my current car loan and trading in Skate (my 2003 Jeep Liberty) is a good idea and advantageous for us in the long run. Soo....I have the details  and I'm going to sleep on it tonight and go from there.

In other exciting news it was a typical Sunday on the Trep Family front. Went to breakfast in the morning, had a Costco run and came home and were bums the rest of the day. I thought about cleaning...and I thought about going through a bunch of the girls' clothes that they've grown out of...but I didn't do any of it. I think sometimes you just need a lazy day, ya know?

I got to admit, I'm pretty surprised so many people are interested in reading this blog. I promise I'm really not all that interesting.

I had another blog idea earlier today, but with rain, needy children and my desire to actually bit a more articulate, that blog will need to wait for another day.

Till tomorrow....


About Me

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Mother to the cutest daughters in the world. Wife to an incredibly loving husband. Friend to some of the best people on the planet. Sister to humanity. This is me, no apologies or regrets.


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