Saturday, January 03, 2009

Time Off of Work

I've been off for the last couple of days for New Years. Its been really good to just sit at home and be with my family. As a working mom, I don't get too much relaxful time at home, its as if I always have stuff to do. The last three days I've been able to just sit and enjoy her play, teach her new things and generally just enjoy my time with her. She's such a bright lil girl, she's fascinating to watch. Its amazing how every day she becomes more and more her own lil person.

Scott has taught her where her nose, ears, tongue, teeth and eyes are. If you ask her where one of those body parts is, she'll quickly point to it! I'm like, wow! She's also walking everywhere and really loves to be the lil adventurer. Earlier today we went to a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese and she had a ball just walking around everywhere, waving her hands in the air and loudly saying, "Hi!" to everybody she encountered. I was able to get some of her hair up in a pony tail and she just looked so cute. I'll need to add some pictures later.

I love my couch (I'm currently vegging on it right now), I dig how homey and comfy my home is, I love the time I've had to spend with Scott and Irelyn the last couple of days and I'm totally looking forward to our trip to Disneyland tomorrow!


About Me

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Mother to the cutest daughters in the world. Wife to an incredibly loving husband. Friend to some of the best people on the planet. Sister to humanity. This is me, no apologies or regrets.


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