Thursday, March 16, 2006

me - raw

I’m not perfect.

Last night I had another one of those moments where it’s like a light bulb goes off, but its not like I’m realizing something new…its just more of a reminder of how disjointed I can be at times. Not sure if disjointed is the word I wanted there, but yeah, with the flow of my thoughts. The duality of me…the fact that I feel at times that my life is a mere ironic oxymoron.

I feel as though I deal with things that are hard, but yet, I never want to single myself out, I never want to be different from other people, but then at the same time I want people to know where I’m coming from, I want them to know what its like to be me, its not easy. Then I think about it and its like, what the fuck, there are so many people out there who have real problems. But aren’t my problems real problems, aren’t they validated?

I struggle with being nice, socially conscious and wallowing in self pity, which is funny, because I despise pathetic people who wrap themselves up in their own problems, but yet, a good sense of self appreciation and navel gazing does a body good.

Sometimes I think I’m crazy, like I’m the only one in the world who thinks the things I do, but then, I know I’m not, I’m one dot of humanity on the sphere that is the whole, a single sprinkle of dust.

I was angry last night, and hurt…but that wasn’t want got to me, nope, it was the complete feeling of helplessness. I desperately need to fill in control of my life, I need to know that I’m driving this car….and when faced with limitations, or feeling as though I’m a caged bird stuck between a rock and a hard place I just want to shout, scream…runaway, but I can’t do that. I care too much.

So there I was last night in the car with Scott, Carla and Schanelle on the way to karaoke and I had this epiphany of sorts….when I die, I’m not sure if I want a headstone, a green burial sounds appealing, but so does the thought of spreading my ashes to the universe, when all is said and done, I want my epitaph to be, “She loved despite faults”.


About Me

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Mother to the cutest daughters in the world. Wife to an incredibly loving husband. Friend to some of the best people on the planet. Sister to humanity. This is me, no apologies or regrets.


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