Friday, June 17, 2005

Thank You For This Day

When the going gets tough...I need to remember to say thank you. There's a lot of shit in the world, and nothing I deal with even compares to what other people deal with. I'm grateful for today, for where I'm at. Its a beautiful day!

Thank You for this day on Earth
Ancient Mother who gave me birth

Healing Mother who keeps me strong
Crone Mother who brings each new dawn

Thank You for the gift of being
For blessing me with the wonders of seeing

For the sounds and feeling of laughter
and the wisdom learned through pain

Spirit Mother bless me,
tomorrow with a day again



About Me

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Mother to the cutest daughters in the world. Wife to an incredibly loving husband. Friend to some of the best people on the planet. Sister to humanity. This is me, no apologies or regrets.


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