Monday, March 07, 2005


Yesterday was an all together interesting day. Scott and I slept in and recovered from being winged ones the night before. When we finally woke up we decided to drive out to Corona to have lunch with mis padres, that was interesting. I love my mom, she's one of my best friends, but in all honesty every time I see her lately I just want to cry. I want to yell and shake her and seriously just ask her what the fuck is going on! Once again her and Angel are homeless, and once again it looks like they aren't finding an apt anytime soon. I try and act like everything is ok, and for the most part I think I actually succeed, but yesterday was just another reality check. She knows when she wants help I'll be here, and truly thats all I can do. Its weird though, I'm the child in the relationship, but its been a good 5 years since I actually felt like the kid. Oh well...its no shocker that my life isn't all roses and peaches.

After getting back from meeting my parents Scott and I went to Hollywood with Jeff and Laura. Overall we had a good time just wandering the streets and people watching. I like the vibe of the place...and I love the dichotomy between the brutal filthy reality of the place combined with the fantasy facade. I definitely want to venture out more.

I feel as though I lost all energy for work last Friday. I woke up this morning feeling kinda blah, and the blahness hadn't dissipated. I feel as though I'm sleepwalking through my life today...


About Me

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Mother to the cutest daughters in the world. Wife to an incredibly loving husband. Friend to some of the best people on the planet. Sister to humanity. This is me, no apologies or regrets.


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