Monday, December 29, 2008

Wow....its been a long time

I'm at work (same place, different position). I needed a quote and I knew I had it posted on this I pulled up the site addy and began looking for the quote I needed...

I read through some posts searching for what I needed...and it was the strangest thing. I was reading me. Who I was 3-4 years ago...and in a way, who I still am. Maybe I'm totally narcissitic, but I really enjoyed reading me...and I was reminded how much I enjoy writing...not writing for anybody else, or worrying what an audience thinks, but just writing for the sake of putting something (anything) out there.

I started a family blog of sorts in October, I had the grand plan of creating a cookie cutter family blog (like so many I see these days). I had a miscarriage shortly after starting that blog and I just couldn't do it. I couldn't be that person, that pretend person I hold myself up to, that perfect archetype, that I'm clearly not. I couldn't write in that blog, it wasn't me then.

Writing here, strangely feels like coming home...I can have history, and be me, and perhaps throw in some cute cookie cutter family blog stuff every now and again too!

Sunday, November 09, 2008


(copied from deleted blog)

Today Scott and I took Irelyn to Disneyland in the morning. We went on Dumbo for the first time and that was a lot of fun! Irelyn rode with Daddy and her her "o" face on during the whole ride. She's so dang cute to watch. We also went on the Alice in Wonderland ride as well as the carousel. It was a great morning!The afternoon brought heartache. There really are no words to adequately convey my thoughts or feelings right now, but I know a few of my close friends read this blog, so I might as well put it out there right now. It looks like I've miscarried the lil bug. To make a long story short, I went to the dr last week, he did a quick ultrasound and it showed that I wasn't as far along as originally thought. He attributed this to my cycle being irregular since I quit breastfeeding. He ordered blood tests to monitor my hcg levels and I have an ultrasound on Wednesday. I called today and got my hch levels from the lab and they are't favorable....I won't know officially until I talk to my doctor and have the ultrasound, but in my gut, I just know. I had a bad hour or so, Scott just held me and I cried here and there. Its easy to get down, I really want another child, but then I look at the blessings that surround me and I realize how truly blessed I am. I took a nap with Irelyn and just held was good for my heart. She is the sweetest lil girl in the whole wide world. When I woke up from the nap, I felt much a brick on my shoulders was lifted.Ending the blog on a fun note...after Irelyn's evening bath, I combed her hair and gave her pigtails for the first time!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008


(copied from deleted blog)

I stayed home from work today...I didn't sleep well last night and the thought of going to work that tired left me with no motivation to get up and face another day from my corner cubicle. Instead, I slept in and spent many fun hours playing with Irelyn on the floor.When Scott got home we went down to the Orange Circle and participated in the Trick or Treat in the Streets. This is one of my favorite events every year. We got to the circle and were getting Irelyn out of the Element and I asked Scott if he grabbed her costume and he just kinda looked at me. I knew then that neither one of us had picked up the adorable lady bug costume I had bought her for Halloween. So there she was...dressed in all black (the underclothes I had planned for her). I could've been really upset by it...but instead Scott and I just looked at each other and laughed. We had brought her car to push her around in. As we walked over to wear the trick or treaters were Scott was all, "She'll just be a race car driver!" Then as we got to the circle we walked passed the firemen and they were giving out fire dept stickers and firemen hats, so we of course took some for Irelyn. So then she was a firewoman!! Too bad 95% of people thought she was a boy!! Oh well....lesson learned, right?!After that lil adventure we went to Olive Garden because I've been craving their salad. We ordered spaghetti for Irelyn (her favorite) and we both thought it was odd that she wasn't really eatting it. Normally she goes to town on spaghetti. Scott tasted it and was like, eeww...taste this honey! (I never get why people will say something tastes gross and then immediately tell you to taste it) I guess it tasted like ketchup on pasta. When the waiter came by Scott mentioned it to the waiter and the waiter told us that its just a tomato sauce and that our child must already have a refined palate. Um...okay. We had ordered marinara sauce for our breadsticks and Scott started giving her some of that and she was a total happy camper again!I've spent the last two and a half hours baking....I swear, I'm a glutton for punishment sometimes. Work does a big Halloween thing and I said that I'd bring something. I ended up baking four batches of brownies and 40 biscuits. I fried up the sausage and tomorrow morning I'l make gravy....Sometimes I just wish I had it in me to say NO! its 10:35 and I'm normally in bed about 2 hours ago!!!!HAPPY EARLY HALLOWEEN!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


(copied from deleted blog)

I have days and days to catch up on!!On Friday Scott and I took Irelyn to the Disney HalloweenTime at California Adventure. We had planned months ago to go and it was finally time! I was so incredibly excited...and Scott, well he was excited for me. Truth be told he doesn't really care for Disney, but he knows how much it excites Irelyn and I so he goes with it. I tried to put Irelyn in her cute lady bug costume, but unfortunately she wasn't a fan of the dress. She kept trying to pull the tull off. Finally I gave in and put her spider costume on instead.We went to McDonalds on the way to the park and Irelyn ate inside for the first time. She was more interested in people watching than actually consuming her chicken mcnugget. I wonder where she gets that from??It was so neat seeing all the costumes at the park. I LOVE HALLOWEEN (in case you didn't know) and I adore seeing lil kids in all sorts of costumes. DCA had a candy corn stage in the center of the park where they had funny characters dress up and dancing. They played kid friendly music and a bunch of kids were dancing. Irelyn LOVES music and had a great time dancing! They played the "Chicken Dance" and she clapped like a pro, I was so excited! I was so touched by everything going on that I actually got tears in my eyes, yes, I'm that corny and emotional. But really, moments like these are what being a mommy are all about...and I love being a mommy!On Saturday I went with the girls to the club for their Annual Halloween Bash. I can't believe how great we all looked! Schanelle rocked her kitty costume! Amber looked fierce in her get up and Carla was adorably cute as a gothic scarecrow.Sunday was a pretty mellow day. We got up early (as usual) and for some reason I suggested we go to Hometown Buffet for breakfast. I typically hate this place and we rarely go...but for some reason it sounded good. I suggested it to Scott and he was like, yes! He jumps at any chance to go there for breakfast. After that we went to Sam's and picked up a few staples. Irelyn rode on my back in the Ergo and she loved it!That afternoon we carved pumpkins. Irelyn wasn't sure what to make of the whole process. In the beginning she was inquisitive and curious, kept asking, "whats that" and pointed at all the pumpkin gunk. She didn't seem to enthused about the slime though!I have a BUNCH of pictures to upload from the camera and as soon as I do I'll post pictures here!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


(copied from deleted blog)

This morning Scott did the cutest thing! Irelyn woke up, literally shot straight up in bed with a smile on her face and started giggling. I have never once exhibited behavior like this, but with Irelyn its a pretty common occurence. I figure she must be a happy child if she wakes up with a smile on her face as much as she does. Scott was amused...and to make her laugh more he started doing the Happy Fat Man was hysterical! He had socks in his hands like pom poms and did a lil dance for her, I loved it! (Too bad I didn't get a picture of that!)Yesterday I had my first prenatal visit. It went well, but was kind of uneventful. Dr. Robinson was unavailable, so I saw Okawa instead. I like her, she's okay...but she's not my Dr. Robinson, ya know? My blood pressure was fine and so far there is no reason to have me put back on blood pressure medication (with Irelyn I was on a low dosage). She ran labs and they took blood and that was about it. I go back in 4 weeks.First trimester symptoms are hitting me about the same this time around. I'm achey, have nausea and yesterday I was light headed after they drew blood. I'm also really super tired. Sigh...I'm hoping some energy returns soon!Tonight I plan on finally using the chicken I took out of the freezer the other day. The plan is to make chicken enchiladas!Any day now lil Miss Irelyn should be walking! Stay tuned....Its definitely excitedable times in the Trepesowsky home!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


(copied from deleted blog)

This afternoon is Barbara Jone's memorial service. It still hasn't sunk in that she's gone. I couldn't even imagine not having my mom by my side during this time in my life.I've begun telling a few close friends that Scott and I are expecting again. I'm amused by the responses I've gotten. Some people are compltely excited and happy for us, and then I have other friends that are quite reserved with the news. I guess its to be expected, but I'd be lying if I tried to shine it over and say that it didn't bother me, because, yeah, it does hit a nerve. Oh well, life goes on right?I took chicken out to defrost for dinner...I wonder what I'll make?

Monday, October 20, 2008


(copied from deleted blog)

Today was another uneventful day at work. I really hate being bored...but it pays the bills, so I'll mind my manners. I'm hoping things pick up again soon!When I got home Irelyn and Scott were napping. I always get warm fuzzies when I walk in and they're all comfy and sleeping together. I'm always amused that they pretty much lay the same way. Instead of starting dinner right away I crawled in bed and laid own with them for awhile. I love moments like these where it feels as though the world stops and I'm able to fully embrace and enjoy moments like these.Irelyn is in her high chair eating dinner....and doing her best to crank her head in just the right way to get a view of the tv! I wonder who's child she is?? Because yeah...I never was into tv like she is! The Disney show that was on just ended and now she is throwing a fit. Oh goodness, this child has a temper on her!I need to work on my Halloween costume tonight...and I just don't know if I'm going to have enough time! Grrargh!

Sunday, October 19, 2008


(copied from deleted post)

Two posts in one day...I doubt this will be the norm in these parts.So, the idea of having a lil one on the way is settling in. More than anything I'm pleasantly surprised!! I wanted another wee one and ideally I wanted Irelyn and the future lil bugger to be 2-3 years apart, but never did I think I would become pregnant so quickly! With Irelyn it took over a year of trying before it happened.Last Wednesday I went to the 99 cent store with Granny and randomly thought I'd pick up a test. For some reason I just knew I was pregnant, intuitively I knew my body was changing and something big was going on. That evening Irelyn and I went to the mall with Auntie Carla and Auntie Schanelle and had a good time. I got home and decided to take the test. At first glance it didn't look positive. I flushed the toilet, and bam...there was a faint line! I was like whoa...So, me, being the nerd that I am ran straight to my laptop and started googling pregnancy tests. With Irelyn, I never took a home pregnancy test (just had my like ER adventure with the sprained ankles). I was in a world all of my own...its funny how logically we try to think ourselves into (or out of) certain situations. I knew how my body felt...I knew I was...and yet, I was completely speechlessly shocked at the same time. I was like a kid at Christmas, giddy, yet shocked, like, are these toys really all for me!?I told Scott about the line, and showed him. The big guy couldn't wipe the grin off his face! He was soo cute.So...big Internet world...there you have it. I have a lil bugger growing inside of me! I have my first doctors visit this week. Tentatively I think I'm due around June 14th.

10/19/08 Pt 1

(copied from deleted blog)

I created this blog years ago, and yet I've never once posted one single entry. Not sure why, it just hasn't happened. I had this lofty idea of starting a blog about secrets, and pieces of me and a bunch of other soul searching mumbo jumbo. I had just graduated college and I was in that "place", you know, that "place." I thought this would be the place to write about "that place" and yet it never happened.
Here I am years later, and I'm no longer the person I was. I'm fresh, new and improved! (typed with confidence!) I'm a married late twentysomething, mother to a beautiful and inquisitive 14 month old and the hubby and I just found out we have another on the way!
Life is full of joyful surprises and I feel as if I blink, I just may miss something. I'm in a new stage of my life and once again I'm determined to find my way. Now its time to use this space.
I plan on using this space to write about my daily adventures. There won't be any abstract philosophical wanderings or political diatribes. In here I'll be me, the ironic control freak who haphazardly leads a cluttered life! I'll be the newish mommy full of questions, and full of joy. I'll be the woman who procrastinates at work, the girl who looks at the world and asks "what if?" with a smile on her face.
I'll be the person I'm not afraid of being, the goofy girl complete with an opinion on everything and heart too big for any snazzy adjective to do it justice. And so dear readers...if there are any readers, I hope you enjoy my meanderings!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Halloween was fantastic! Work was kinda blah...I'm used to them doing something big, but now that half of the office leaves early every Friday we couldn't do a big potluck lunch like we used to. They attempted a brunch potluck and it kinda went over okay. I always love seeing what people come to work as and this year was no exception! One of the dudes dressed up like the guy from Reno 911, the one with the short shorts and mustache! Hilarious! Last night Carla, Schanelle and I went to Disneyland for corndogs and people watching. I didn't stay too long...was feeling pretty nauseas and was super tired, but it was nice to get out for a lil while!

About Me

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Mother to the cutest daughters in the world. Wife to an incredibly loving husband. Friend to some of the best people on the planet. Sister to humanity. This is me, no apologies or regrets.


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